Information Contact Details
Department Website ****
Anonymous Question Box @ncnu_ibstudio (
Department Office College of Management , 4th Floor, Room 431
(Take the elevator next to Lixuepo勵學坡 and turn right on the 4th floor)
(Feel free to visit the IBS Department Office when you have time)
Contact Phone 049-2910960,+extension numbers available
Department Chair Professor Hsin-Yu Shih (Extension: 4520) [email protected]
Mentor for 1st-year Professor Ching-I Chen (Extension: 4651) [email protected]
Mentor for 2nd-year Professor Shue-Jen Wu (Extension: 4607) [email protected]
Department Assistants Wen-Jing Wu (Extension: 4521) [email protected]
Yi-Wei Lin (Extension: 4523) [email protected]
項目 內容
系官網: ****
匿名提問箱(歡迎提問) @ncnu_ibstudio (
系辦公室: 管理學院4樓431室
聯絡電話: 049-2910960#分機號碼
系主任: 施信佑主任(分機號碼:4520)[email protected]
碩一導師(111級): 陳靜怡老師(分機號碼:4651)[email protected]
碩二導師(110級): 吳淑貞老師(分機號碼:4607)[email protected]
系辦助理: 吳文菁小姐(分機:4521)[email protected]
林依蔚小姐(分機:4523)[email protected]

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