To graduate and obtain a Master's degree in the current semester, students must complete their thesis oral defense by Jan. 31 or July 31 of that semester, taking into account the library's deadline for thesis submission, and complete the school-leaving procedures before the start of the next semester. Students must first confirm that they have met the following conditions before confirming the examination date, location, and committee members with their advisors. The conditions include:

  1. Obtaining a certificate of completion for the "Academic Research Ethics Course".
  2. Having previously applied for the thesis examination to the school before April 30 or Nov. 30.
  3. Passing at least 2 of the 3 prerequisite courses (Economics, Accounting, and Statistics) with a grade of at least 60.
  4. Meeting the graduation credit requirements, including 23 credits of 10 required courses and 14 credits of elective courses.
  5. Completing two stages of thesis report presentations in the International Business Seminar course.
  6. Meeting the basic requirements for English proficiency.

(1) Booking a Room for Oral Defense in Advance

  1. At least two weeks before the examination date, students should book an examination room in advance. If using a classroom of IBS Department, such as Room 432 or Room 350, please check the "Classroom Availability" in the School System to see if the room is available during the desired time slot. Thenm, students can book this available examination room through the Reservation System for Available Classrooms on IBS website.
  2. During the pandemic, online video conferencing for the examination is also allowed. Please refer to the school's announcements regarding the application process.

(2) Submitting the Examination Committee Members List

  1. At least two weeks before the examination date, students should submit the list of examination committee members to the department office and confirm that the examination committee members are listed in the "Suggested Examination Committee Members List" provided by the advisor. If the list is not available, students should ask their advisors to supplement the list for review by the International Business Master's Degree Thesis Committee.

  2. After confirming the correctness of the thesis defense committee member list, the student should type in the "Examination Committee List" (do not handwrite it). The list should include at least three members:

    1. Advisor.
    2. Internal committee member from NCNU.
    3. External committee member from other institution.

    MBA010_Examination Committee List.docx

  3. The list should include at least three committee members. In the remarks column, indicate which person is the advisor and which person is the Chair (usually the external committee member) to facilitate the preparation of the invitation letters.

  4. If there are two advisors, the committee should include at least four members, including at least two external members.

  5. The title, name, highest degree, service school, and internal or external committee member status of each committee member should be determined and typed by the student. The department office will print the invitation letters and the examination fee list.


(3) Mailing thesis draft to the examination committee

At least one week before the examination date, students should mail a bound draft copy of their thesis (paperback is sufficient) and invitation letters to the examination committee members. Students should proactively inquire about the mailing address of each committee member, and not make assumptions.

(4) Documents required on the day of examination

  1. Examination fee form: obtain from the IBS department assistant.

  2. Master's Thesis Score Report: Students should type in the Chinese title of the thesis, which must match the title registered on the School System. Otherwise, they must apply for a title change. Three copies of this result form must be printed, one for each examination committee member.

    MBA013_Master's Thesis Score Report.docx

  3. The Average Score Report for the Master's Thesis Defense is to be typed and submitted by the student. The Chinese title of the thesis must match the title recorded in the School's System; otherwise, a request for a change of title must be made. One copy of the report must be printed, and each member of the defense committee must sign it in turn.

    MBA014_Average Score Report.docx

  4. The Master's Thesis Examination Results Notification Form should be typed by the student to input the Chinese and English titles of the thesis and other personal information. This notification form should be printed on one page and filled out by the advisor.

    MBA015_Master's Thesis Examination Results Notification Form.docx

  5. The Master's Thesis Examination Committee Approval Form is to be typed by the student, including the Chinese and English titles of the thesis, which must be consistent with the titles registered in the School System. If there are any discrepancies, the student must apply for a change of title. This approval form must be printed out and signed by each member of the examination committee in turn.

    MBA016_The Master's Thesis Examination Committee Approval Form.docx

(5)Thesis Formatting, Uploading, and Printing Authorization Form

After the thesis defense, if the thesis approval certificate is obtained, the following steps can be taken for thesis uploading and printing:

  1. Please pay attention to the thesis upload deadline set by the NCNU Library, for example, for the 111-1 academic semester, it is February 10, 2023 (Friday).

  2. Ensure that the English abstract is at least 500 words.

  3. Adjust the electronic thesis format according to the "Chinese Thesis Format and Template" provided by the library's "School Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Service". If the thesis format required by the advisor is different from the school format, follow the advisor's requirements.

    Chinese Thesis Format and Template.pdf

  4. After submitting the final draft of the thesis, a complete report record of the "Thesis Originality Checking System" must be submitted. The result of the plagiarism check should be below 30% and the thesis originality should be confirmed by the advisor and documented on the "Thesis Originality Review Form" which must be submitted to the department office for record-keeping.

    MBA025_Thesis Originality Review Form.docx

  5. Please follow the "National Chi Nan University Thesis Upload Instructions" and the "Degree Thesis Submission Matters".

    Master's Thesis Upload Instructions Tutorial.pptx

    Degree Thesis Submission Matters.pdf

(1) Activate the library reader account, log in to the School Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Service System, enter the basic information of the thesis, upload the electronic thesis file, and after it is approved, print and sign the "National Chi Nan University Thesis Authorization Form" once (= 1 copy for the university library).

(2) The account and password are issued by the National Chi Nan University Enterprise Administration Office. Log in to the "Taiwan Electronic Theses and Dissertations System" of the National Central Library, upload the electronic thesis file and bibliography file, select the authorization option, print two copies of the "National Chi Nan University Degree Thesis Authorization Form" and sign them electronically or print them out and sign them, and upload them directly (scanning or photographing is acceptable). The department assistant will conduct online review (= 2 copies for the National Central Library Thesis Authorization Form). Note: Do not upload the university library authorization form.

(3) Print the paper version of the thesis, and the printed version of the thesis must be exactly the same as the electronic file uploaded to the library. The library staff will compare each page to ensure that the page numbers and content are consistent.

(V) Thesis Printing

  1. Requirements for graduation paper printing: a total of 4 books

(1) One copy is stored in the National Central Library, and it must be perfect-bound.

(2) Two copies are kept in the National Chi Nan University Library. Both can be perfect-bound or both can be hardcover, but one perfect-bound and one hardcover are not allowed.

➡ The above three paper theses, together with the original copies of the authorization form (1 copy for the university library and 2 copies for the National Central Library), should be submitted to the library counter on the 1st floor. There is no need to submit the thesis to the registration department.

(3) One copy is kept by the IBS , and it can be perfect-bound. The perfect-bound version is printed on light green cloud paper (must be polished).

  1. If the paper version of the thesis needs to be postponed for public release, please fill out the National Central Library and the university's application form for delayed release and submit them together.


  1. 取得「學術研究倫理課程」修課證明;
  2. 在4/30或11/30之前,已預先向學校提出論文口試申請;
  3. 先修課程(經濟學、會計學、統計學)三科選兩科,皆達及格標準;
  4. 當學期已經或預計滿足畢業學分要求,包括必修9門課共23學分,以及選修14學分;
  5. 在國際企業專題研討課堂上,完成兩階段的論文報告;
  6. 達到畢業英文能力基本要求。


  1. 決定口試日期之後,至少於兩週前辦理預借口試地點。若借用國企系教室,如管432、管350,則請先至校務系統,點入「查詢空教室」,輸入欲借用時段(如:4bcd)是否無人上課。點入國企系官網的預約空教室系統進行預借。
  2. 若口試地點在台中(中科)校區,則向研發處借用。
  3. 疫情期間允許線上視訊口試,請注意學校公告的申請方法


  1. 請於口試日兩週前向系辦提出口試委員名單,並確認口試委員名列於指導教授提供的「口試委員建議名單」,若無則需請指導教授補提名單供本系碩士論文委員會審核。

  2. 經確認口試委員名單無誤後,打字填寫「考試委員名冊」(勿手寫)。


  3. 名冊上至少應有3人,包括指導教授、校內口試委員、校外口試委員等。請於備註欄列出何人是指導教授,何人是召集人(通常是校外口試委員),以利製作聘函。(若指導教授有2人,則口委名冊上應至少4人,其中至少2人為校外委員。本校兼任老師一律視為校外委員)

  4. 每位口試委員的職稱、姓名、最高學歷、服務學校、校內或校外口委,皆須由學生自行查明並打字輸入。由系辦印製口試委員聘函、口試費用清冊。





  1. 口試費用清冊:向系辦助理索取

  2. 碩士論文口試成績單由學生打字輸入論文中文題目,題目須與校務系統上登錄一致,否則必須申請論文題目變更。本成績單須列印3張,每位口試委員一張。


  3. 碩士論文口試平均成績單由學生打字輸入論文中文題目,題目須與校務系統上登錄一致,否則必須申請論文題目變更。本成績單須列印1張,每位口試委員輪流簽名。


  4. 碩士學位論文考試成績通知單由學生打字輸入論文中文題目英文題目及其他個人基本資料。本成績通知單須列印1張,由指導教授填寫。


  5. 碩士論文考試審定書由學生打字輸入論文中文題目英文題目,題目須與校務系統上登錄一致,否則必須申請論文題目變更。本審定書須列印1張,每位口試委員輪流簽名。




  1. 請注意圖書館訂定的論文上傳截止日,例如,1111學期是2023/2/10(五)。

  2. 確認英文摘要達500字以上(根據本系碩士生修業規則第三條)。

  3. 依照圖書館提供的本校電子論文學位服務提供的「中文論文格式暨範本」調整電子論文格式。若指導教授要求的論文格式跟學校格式不一樣,則以指導教授要求為準


  4. 繳交定稿後之學位論文「論文原創性比對系統」之完整報告紀錄,其檢測結果須**低於30%(含)**並業經指導教授審閱確認該論文原創性,並檢附國企系「學位論文原創性之審查表」至系辦公室存查。

    MBA025 學位論文原創性之審查表.docx

  5. 請遵守**國立暨南國際大學論文上傳說明,以及學位論文繳交事項**。




寄件者: ETDSServer <[email protected]>

Date: 2023年8月9日 週三 11:49

Subject: [國立暨南國際大學]電子學位論文服務通知:您的論文全文電子檔案或基本資料審核已通過!

To: [email protected]








(2)請將上述通過信件截圖,傳送給文菁姐,將可收到國企系辦核發帳號密碼,再請登入國家圖書館「臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統」,上傳電子論文檔案及書目檔,勾選授權選項後,列印「國立暨南國際大學學位論文授權書」及「國家圖書館學位論文授權書」2 張,兩張都電子簽名或印出來親簽後(跑離校程序要繳交給圖書館),只要上傳「國家圖書館學位論文授權書」(掃描或翻拍皆可),由系辦助理進行線上審核(=國圖授權書1張)。注意,切勿上傳校圖授權書。


  1. 先完成電子檔論文上傳本校圖書館,通過校圖審核之後,才能用該電子檔去印紙本論文。印出的論文紙本一定要跟上傳校圖的電子檔一模一樣,圖書館館員會一頁一頁比對,看頁碼內容是否一致。
  2. 畢業印製紙本論文要求:共4冊




(3)暨大國企系留存1冊,平裝即可,連同論文原創性審查表及國企系授權書( 📝國際企業學系授權書),交予國企系辦。 其中,平裝本為淡綠色雲彩紙印刷(須上光),精裝本為黑色印刷燙金字體

  1. 若紙本論文需延後公開,請填具國圖與本校延後公開申請書,一併繳交。