Starting from the fourth semester, regardless of whether you will have your master's thesis defense in the current semester or not, it is recommended to submit an application for the degree examination every semester to the school. The application deadline is November 30th for the first semester or April 30th for the second semester. If you do not apply in advance, you will not be allowed to have the thesis defense in the current semester. If you apply but do not have the defense in the current semester, the application will be automatically cancelled, and you will need to reapply in the next semester. The application process is as follows:

(1) Print the application form from the school system

  1. After logging in to the school system, click on "Edit Personal Information" and enter the Chinese and English titles of your thesis.
  2. Click on "Print Thesis Examination Application Form" and print out the application form in hard copy.


  1. Fill in the graduation credit status on the application form:


    (1)本系規定畢業學分數為 37 學分(必修 23 學分,選修 14 學分)

    The required credits for graduation in this department are 37 credits (23 credits for required courses and 14 credits for elective courses).

    (2)申請人已修畢規定學分數 學分(必修 學分,選修 學分)

    The number of credits already completed by the applicant is credits (required credits, elective credits).


    Fill in the following information based on the number of credits passed on the transcript.

    (3)申請人本學期尚修習 學分(必修 學分,選修 學分)

    The applicant is currently taking ___ credits (compulsory ___ credits, elective ___ credits).


    Fill in based on the current semester's course registration status.

(2) Submit Three Documents

Before November 30th in the previous semester or April 30th in the current semester, submit the following documents to the department office:

  1. Application form for thesis examination: Print from the school's online system.
  2. Original Chinese transcript: There are self-service machines for transcript printing and retrieval located on the first floor of the Administration Building and the first floor of the Library (NT$10 per copy).
  3. Proof of completion of the Academic Research Ethics Course (in Chinese).



  1. 登入校務系統之後,點進「修改個人資料」,輸入並確認論文的中英文題目
  2. 點進「列印論文考試申請表」,列印出申請表紙本


  1. 在申請表紙本上填寫畢業學分修習狀況:


    (1)本系規定畢業學分數為 37 學分(必修 23 學分,選修 14 學分)

    (2)申請人已修畢規定學分數 學分(必修 學分,選修 學分)


    (3)申請人本學期尚修習 學分(必修 學分,選修 學分)





  1. 論文考試申請表:自校務系統列印。
  2. 中文成績單正本:行政大樓一樓及圖書館一樓設有成績單自動投幣機(每份10元),投幣完成即可在旁邊的機櫃立即取件。
  3. 學術研究倫理課程修課證明(中文版)
  4. 論文相似度比對報告 (112 學年度起入學學生) (最遲於提送口試委員名冊繳交時檢附)




