(I) Course selection and English proficiency assessment

According to the master's program regulations of this department, there are two requirements for master's students to graduate with English proficiency:

  1. Complete 4 credits of EMI courses offered by IBS department with a grade of 70 or higher; and
  2. Achieve a TOEIC score of 650.

If the TOEIC score is or higher, 2 credits of EMI courses can be waived, and if the score is 750 or higher, 4 credits of EMI courses can be waived. Other English tests recognized by domestic and foreign institutions that are equivalent to the TOEIC score level require confirmation by the master's program committee. There is no time limit for obtaining the above English proficiency test scores (scores obtained before admission are also acceptable), and expired certificates are also acceptable.

  1. EMI courses: All EMI courses offered by the IBS Department's master's program can be used to satisfy the graduation requirements, and required courses can be taken.
  2. English proficiency test equivalent table as following:
English Tests Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
TOEIC 650 700 750
Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT) 55 57 59
IELTS 4.75 5.5
TOEFL (ITP) 492 527
TOEFL (iBT) 72 87

Since the 2021 academic year, NCNU has offered the Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT), which master's students can take at their own expense of NT$500.

(II) Remedial Measures

If a student fails the English proficiency test, the following remedial measures can be taken to meet the graduation requirements starting from the first semester:

  1. Accumulate 90 points from English learning history course activities and fill out the English Learning History Point Application Form for Master's Program.


Master's Program English Learning History Point Application Form.docx

📒My ET Online Learning: 1 lesson 1 point

(1) Apply for an account with the Language Center by filling out the application form here (1-2 working days required).

(2) The Language Center provides a self-directed learning room (Self-directed Learning Room 221) on the 2nd floor of the library, which offers computers, headphones, and other equipment for self-learning.

(3) Students can also download the My ET software, install and open it, and confirm that it is the entrance to NCNU by following the instructions in the My ET platform entrance setting.


(4) Log in with the account "NCNU + student ID" and bring your own headphones.


(5) Click on "My Courses" to self-study. After each lesson, the system will automatically enter "Self-Assessment" for testing.

(6)You will receive one certificate for each test with a score of 70 or higher, which is equivalent to one point. Users can view the accumulated number of certificates on the platform.


📒Live ABC Online Learning: 1 lesson 1 point

(1) NCNU's Live ABC online learning platform, click here.

(2) Login with personal academic system account and password.

(3) Usage:


(4) Check grades:


📒English Elective Courses: 20 Points per Course (Note: All-English EMI courses are not included in this category)

The Language Center offers various English elective courses each semester, including "English Conversation" and "Oral Training" for improving practical speaking skills, and "Business English," "Tourism English," "Learning English through Movies," "News English," and "English Test Training" for professional English. The College of Management also offers courses such as "Business English Conversation (I) (II)," "Business English Writing (I) (II)," and "Business English (I) (II)." Please note that these courses are for undergraduate students, and master's students must pay tuition fees and do not count towards graduation credits.

Remedial Measure 2: Presenting Papers at International Academic Conferences

With the consent of the advisor, students can orally present a paper related to their master's thesis in English at an international academic conference held in a non-Chinese-speaking area. If multiple students present the same paper, the number of papers will be divided by the number of students. When applying, attach relevant supporting materials such as videos of oral presentations in English, which will be recorded by the Master's Program Committee and deemed equivalent to passing the Master's Program's basic English proficiency requirements.

Remedial Measure 3: (Old System, Deadline for 1113 Semester) After the end of the fourth semester, students can take the "Advanced English" course offered by the university for one semester (which can be taken during the summer) and pass with a score of 70 or higher, which is equivalent to passing the Master's Program's basic English proficiency requirements.


(III) Reward for Master's Students Taking EMI Courses

  1. Students who meet either of the following qualifications can apply for a reward of NT$3,000 from the university's Bilingual Teaching Promotion Resource Center by referring to the implementation guidelines:

    ☐ Master's students who earn six or more credits in EMI courses during their first year in the program.

    ☐ Master's students who earn twelve or more credits in EMI courses before graduation.

  2. This subsidy is processed once per semester. Applicants should fill out the EMI Course Incentive Application Form during the 10th week of the following semester after completing EMI courses and apply to the Bilingual Teaching Promotion Resource Center. The reward may run out of funds, so students are advised to apply as soon as possible.



  1. 修過本系碩士班EMI課程達4學分成績達70分;以及
  2. TOEIC達650分。


  1. EMI課程:國企系碩士班開設的必選修EMI課程皆可用來滿足上述畢業條件。

  2. 各項英文能力測驗對照表

    本校自110學年度起辦理「牛津線上分級測驗」(Oxford Online Placement Test, 簡稱OOPT),碩士生得自費付500元參加。

    | 英文能力畢業門檻 | +碩班全英 課程4學分 | +碩班全英 課程2學分 | 免修碩班 全英課程 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 多益(TOEIC) | 650 | 700 | 750 | | 牛津英語線上測驗(OOPT) | 55 | 57 | 59 | | 全民英檢(GEPT) | 中級複試 | 中級複試 | 中高級初試 | | 雅思(IELTS) | 4.75 | | 5.5 | | 托福(TOEFL)紙筆型態(ITP) | 492 | | 527 | | 托福(TOEFL)網路型態(iBT) | 72 | | 87 | | 語言能力參考指標(CEFR) | B2 | B2 | B2 |



  1. 累積英文學習歷程各課程活動項目點數達**90點,**並填寫碩士班英文學習歷程點數申請表



📒My ET 線上學習:1堂課1點


(2)語文中心開放位於圖書館2樓的自學教室(Self-directed Learning Room 221),提供電腦、耳麥等設備,以利各位進行自主學習

(3)學生亦可自行下載**My ET軟體,**安裝開啟後,需先確認是否為暨南大學入口

My ET 平台入口設定







📒Live ABC 線上學習:一堂課1點

(1)暨大Live ABC 線上學習平台,請點此

(2)登入方式 : 個人校務系統帳號、密碼












  1. 符合以下任一資格,可向本校雙語教學推廣資源中心申請獎勵金3000元,見實施要點



  2. 本項補助每學期辦理一次,申請人應於修畢EMI課程之下學期第10週週間填寫修習EMI課程獎勵申請表,向雙語教學推廣資源中心申請。獎勵金可能會有經費用罄的狀況,請同學儘早申請。