Students may apply for a research lab position and collect the key from Wen-Ching, one of IBS office assistants, during the first semester.

(1)Prerequisite Courses

For new students who have not completed two of the three pre-courses, namely Economics, Statistics, and Accounting, each with three credits, they must take these courses first. The ways to take and waive these courses are:

  1. Undergraduate courses: If students have passed two relevant courses during their undergraduate studies, they can waive these courses. Please note that if master's students take undergraduate courses, they need to pay for credits, and the credits cannot count towards graduation requirements.

  2. Inter-school courses: Students can take courses at other universities during the summer break. Through the Cross-School Elective System🔗, students can take relevant courses that are not offered at our university during the summer. Please refer to our **Inter-School Course Selection Guide** 🔗and complete the Inter-School Course Selection Form🔗.

  3. Online courses: Students can take online courses from platforms such as Coursera🔗.

    1. Students can apply for Coursera scholarships to obtain course completion certificates for free. Please refer to the instructional video 🔗for more information.
    2. Students can waive three credits of prerequisite courses if they have completed an online course with 40 hours of study and obtained a course completion certificate.
    3. Students can refer to IBS's suggested list of online courses🔗. The courses do not have to be limited to the ones on the list, as long as they are closely related to Economics, Statistics, and Accounting. If students have any questions, please inquire with the department office.
  4. After completing the prerequisite courses, students need to fill out the Master's Prerequisite Course Waiver Application Form 🔗and attach the transcript. Hand in the prerequisite course waiver to the department office after they have enrolled."

    MBA000_1_IBS suggested list of online course.xlsx

    MBA000_1_Master's Prerequisite Course Waiver Application Form.docx

(2) Graduation Credits and Courses

IBS Master's students must complete 23 credits (9 required courses) and 14 elective credits, totaling 37 credits.

  1. Required Courses (23 credits, 9 courses):

    (1) The first semester required courses include:

    Organizational Behavior and Theory (3 credits), International Business Management (3 credits), International Financial Management (3 credits), International Marketing Management (3 credits), and International Business Seminar I (1 credit), totaling 13 credits in 5 courses.

    (2) The second semester required courses include:

    International Strategic Management (3 credits), International Investment Analysis (3 credits), Research Methods (3 credits), and International Business Seminar II (1 credit), totaling 10 credits in 4 courses.

  2. Elective Courses (14 credits):

    Please refer to the department's Master's Program Course Map🔗 for elective courses. At least 11 credits must be taken from the IBS master's program courses, and 3 credits can be taken from other departments master's program courses.

Foreign students are allowed to take equivalent courses to replace the original required courses taught in Chinses. Here is the Required Course Equivalency Table.

EMI and Required Course Equivalency Table (9 Courses, 23 Credits)

IBS Foreign Students Requirement 112.07.20.xlsx

<aside> ☝️ Please download and fill the courses you took and check with the credits.


  1. Course Regulations

    1. Academic Research Ethics Course

      In the first semester after enrollment in the master's program, the Cirriculum Section 🔗will send a letter to notify students that they can begin taking the "Academic Research Ethics Course." Students can learn at your own pace at Taiwan Academic Ethics Education Resource Center website 🔗(Please find the English interface) and obtain a certificate of completion by passing the final exam.

    Students must take at least one course each semester (regardless of the number of credits) during their enrollment, and cannot skip courses. However, after completing the graduation credit requirements and before leaving the school, students are not required to take courses in the new semester.

(3) Writing Master's Thesis

  1. Find your thesis advisor

    🔗. After your advisor signs it, submit the form to the IBS department office. IBS department allows faculty members to recommend co-advisors from other departments or schools. Please note that starting from the academic year 2022, each full-time faculty member in IBS department can only advise up to 5 master's students (excluding international students) per cohort.

    MBA003_Master's Thesis Advisor Consent Form.docx

  2. Make the thesis presentation in the "International Business Seminar" class

    Starting from the 3rd semester, students may fill out the "Thesis Report Application Form" 🔗to apply for the thesis presentation in the calss of "International Business Seminar". The thesis presentation has two stages: the first is "Thesis Proposal English presentation" (completed in the 3rd semester) and the second is"Final Thesis full presentation" (completed in the 4th semester), and must be presented separately in the respective semesters of the "International Business Seminar" class. It is not allowed to present these two presentation together in the same semester.

    MBA024 Thesis Report Application Form.docx

  3. Apply for the thesis degree examination (oral defense) to the school in advance

    Starting from the fourth semester, regardless of whether you will have the master's thesis defense in the current semester or not, it is recommended that you log in to the administrative system🔗every semester to apply for the thesis degree examination(oral defense) . The application deadline is before November 30 or April 30. If you do not apply in advance to the school, you will not be allowed to have the master's thesis defense in that semester.

  4. For the degree thesis examination🔗**(oral defense)**, please refer to the application steps and corresponding documents on the webpage.

  5. If the degree thesis examination (oral defense) is failed, does not meet the requirements for re-examination, or even after re-examination still fails, the student will be expelled from school (see Article 49 of the school regulations).

(4)Requirement for English Proficiency Graduation

  1. To fulfill the English proficiency graduation requirement, students must complete at least 4 credits of English-medium instruction (EMI) courses and achieve a minimum TOEIC score of 650 (or OOPT score of 55). The required credits of EMI courses also count towards the graduation requirement for English proficiency.
  2. Students who achieve a TOEIC score of 700 (or OOPT score of 57) or higher are exempt from completing 2 credits of EMI courses, and those who achieve a TOEIC score of 750 (or OOPT score of 59) or higher are exempt from completing 4 credits of EMI courses. Equivalent English proficiency exams and their score levels recognized domestically and internationally must be confirmed by the Master's Program Committee.
English Proficiency Requirement + 4 credits of Master's EMI Course + 2 credits of Master's EMI Course Exemption from Master's EMI Course
TOEIC 650 700 750
Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT) 55 57 59

<aside> ☀️ OOPT is the Oxford Online Placement Test used by the Language Teaching and Research Center of our university (NCNU) for internal English proficiency testing. This computer adaptive test adjusts the difficulty level automatically according to the test taker's responses, with approximately 45 questions covering reading and listening sections. The test takes about 60 minutes to complete, and the system automatically scores the test after completion. The test can be taken at the beginning and end of each semester for a fee of 500 NTD through self-funded registration🔗. Please refer to the website🔗 for registration details.。


(5) Years of study and student status

  1. After being admitted to the Master's Program students can choose to start the studying early (in the Spring Semester) or on time (in the Fall Semester). The students will follow the academic requirements of the academic year they are in.
  2. Master's Program students are required to study for at least one year and up to four years, during which they can apply for leaves of absence once, for one semester, one academic year, or two academic years, with a maximum of two academic years in total.
  3. Students are required to pay the fees each semester before the deadline, including a basic fee of NT$10,476 and a fee of NT$1,472 per credit, in order to complete the registration process and maintain their status as enrolled students.
  4. Please note that if the student completes the master's thesis defense but fails to complete the leaving school procedures before the start of the new semester, students must pay tuition fees for the new semester and maintain their status as enrolled students. The students could continue taking courses or applying for overseas exchange. But if the student is taking courses in the current semester, regardless of whether the grades affect their graduation eligibility or not, they must wait for all grades to be released before completing the leaving shcool procedures.
  5. Before meeting the graduation credit requirements, Master's Program students are required to take at least one course per semester, with no restrictions on undergraduate or graduate-level courses (note: undergraduate course credits do not count towards graduation credits and tuition fees must be paid). After meeting the graduation credit requirements, students are not required to take courses during the semester.





  1. 學士班課程:在大學時期曾經修過其中兩門課程(相關課程亦可)且及格。請注意:碩士生下修學士班課程需付學分費且不計入畢業學分。

  2. 校際課程:暑假至其他學校修課。


  3. 線上課程:如Coursera




  4. 修畢先修課程之後,請填寫「碩士班先修課程抵免申請表」,並檢附成績單,於入學後向系辦申請先修課程抵免。





  1. 必修課23學分(共9門課)

    (1) 上學期必修課包括:


    (2) 下學期必修課包括:

    國際策略管理(3學分)、國際投資分析(3學分)、研究方法(3學分)、國際企業學專題研討(二) (1學分) 等共4門課10學分。

  2. 選修課14學分


  3. 學術研究倫理課程


  4. 修課規定

    (1) 在學期間各學期至少修一門課(任何學分數皆可),不可以不修課。但在修滿畢業學分要求後,若尚未離校,則新學期可以不選修課程。

    (2) 每學期修課不得超過15學分,人工選課加簽單需要給系主任簽名


  1. 確認指導教授



  2. 在「國際企業專題研討」課堂上進行論文報告


    MBA024 國際企業學專題研討報告申請表.docx

  3. 預先向學校提出論文學位考試申請


  4. 學位論文考試,請參考網頁說明的申請步驟及對應文件。

  5. 若學位論文考試不及格,不合重考規定或雖合於重考規定,經重考仍不及格者,予以退學。(見學則第49條)


  1. 選修碩班全英語授課(EMI)課程達4學分及TOEIC達650分(或OOPT達55分)。全英語授課(EMI)的必修課學分數亦計入英文能力畢業門檻。
  2. 若TOEIC達700分(或OOPT達57分)則可免修全英語授課(EMI)課程達2學分;TOEIC達750分(或OOPT達59分)則可免修全英語授課(EMI)課程4學分。其他等同TOEIC之國內外認可之英文考試及其分數等級,須經碩士班委員會確認。若學生未能於修業四個學期內符合上述規定,則適用補救措施

| 英文能力畢業門檻 | +碩班全英課程4學分 | +碩班全英課程2學分 | 免修碩班 全英課程 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 多益(TOEIC) | 650 | 700 | 750 | | 牛津英語線上測驗(OOPT) | 55 | 57 | 59 |

OOPT為本校語文教學研究中心辦理校內英檢所採用的「牛津線上分級測驗」(Oxford Online Placement Test, OOPT)。此測驗為電腦適性測驗,依據受試者作答狀況,系統自動調整難易度,題數約 45 題,分閱讀及聽力兩部分。考試時間約為60分鐘,測驗結束後此系統自動評分。自費報名費用為500元,每學期期初與期末皆會開放報名,報名網頁請參考網址


  1. 考生經錄取後成為本系碩士生,可以選擇提前(春季)入學或準時(秋季)入學,其修業規定與編定學號之相同學年度入學新生相同。
  2. 碩士生在校修業至少1年,最多4年,期間得申請休學,得一次核准1學期、1學年或2學年,累積至多2學年。
  3. 學生每學期應於規定期限內繳納各種費用,包括基本費用10,476元,以及每學分費1,472元,方完成註冊手續,具備在學學生身份。
  4. 請注意:碩士生在完成碩士論文口試之後,若未於新學期開學前完成離校手續,則新學期必須繳費並具備在學身份,可以繼續修課或申請海外交換。若當學期有修課,無論成績是否影響畢業資格,需待成績到齊才能辦理離校手續。
  5. 在未滿足畢業學分要求之前,碩士生每學期至少需修一門課,學碩不限(注意:大學部課號學分不列入畢業學分,且需繳交學分費)。在滿足畢業學分要求之後,在學期間可以不修課